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Upper Removable Appliance (URA)

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What is an Upper Removable Orthodontic Appliance (URA or Plate)?

URAs are removable appliances, meaning they can be easily removed and reinserted into the mouth. They consist of wires and screws held together by an acrylic base and are used to move upper teeth into better relationships using gentle force.

 What is an Upper Removable Orthodontic Appliance (URA or Plate)?

What are the uses of these appliances?

  • Space maintenance
  • To reduce an overbite
  • To guide eruption
  • To tip teeth into the required position
  • Enable simple tooth movement
 What are the uses of these appliances?

What are the parts of a URA?

The URA consists of an active element or elements (i.e. metal wires and/or screws), which exert orthodontic forces on the teeth, and retentive elements (i.e. clasps), which help, in retaining the appliance in the mouth. An acrylic plate holds these two sets of elements together.

 What are the parts of a URA?

How much do I need to wear the URA?

URAs are generally worn full time (24/7) for approximately 12 months. Compliant wear will determine how long the appliance will need to be worn. Initially, they should be taken out only when eating, cleaning your teeth, and for contact sports.

To prevent loss or breakage, always place the URA in its case when it is out of your mouth.

 How much do I need to wear the URA?

What happens once it is fitted? Will it be painful?

It will definitely feel quite strange for the first little while, with some mild tenderness of your teeth and jaw muscles very likely in the first 3-5 days. Persistence is the key and with dedicated wear, any discomfort being experienced will soon disappear.

Increased salivary flow and swallowing are also very common but will quickly pass. Speech will be different but the more you practice speaking with the appliance in your mouth the easier it becomes – we recommend talking a lot or reading a book out loud.

 What happens once it is fitted? Will it be painful?

How do I care for the URA?

You need to be sure of how to remove and replace the appliance correctly. We will show you how to do this when the URA is first inserted. Remove the URA and clean your teeth thoroughly 2 - 3 times a day.

While the appliance is out of your mouth clean it with a separate toothbrush and cold soapy water. Rinse thoroughly. Once a month we recommend that you remove the appliance and soak it in a cleaning solution such as ‘Sterident’. Please keep them safe from pets who like to chew them!

 How do I care for the URA?

What about breakages?

If a breakage occurs please contact our office as soon as possible. Please don’t wait for your next routine visit as this may slow down your treatment. Avoid clicking the URA in and out with your tongue as this can affect the fit and cause the wires to break.

If your appliance breaks or is lost, there may be a lab fee of up to $350 to repair/replace it.

 What about breakages?

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