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Cantilever Bite Jumper - CBJ

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What is a CBJ?

The Cantilever Bite Jumper or CBJ is a growth modifying appliance that is worn to help young jaws develop normally and to help achieve facial balance and harmony.

This appliance is fixed in the mouth and is therefore worn 24 hours a day, generally for approximately 12 months, or until the desired result is achieved. It cannot be removed by the patient, only by the Orthodontist.

 What is a CBJ?

How is it fitted?

Several appointments need to be made to prepare, customise and insert the appliance:

Stage 1. Scan and separators: At this appointment an intra-oral scan is taken in order for the appliance to be customised specifically for your mouth. Separating elastics are then placed between selected teeth to create space for the bands to be fitted.

Stage 2. Band sizing: At this appointment the separating elastics are removed and metal bands are sized around the molars.

Stage 3. Separators: Approximately 2-3 weeks later, separators are placed again in preparation for the CBJ being fitted.

Stage 4. Insertion of the Appliance: At this appointment the separators are removed and the upper and lower parts of the CBJ are fitted and cemented in place. Then the arms or pistons are inserted. The arms are connected to the cemented appliance and can only be removed by the Orthodontist. The appliance acts to posture the lower jaw forward into the correct position, preventing tooth closure into the usual biting position. At this stage, if braces are required, they will also be fitted to the upper teeth.

 How is it fitted?

What happens next?

Will it hurt? Certain parts of the appliance cover the biting surface of your teeth, which affects the way the teeth bite together. This does feel different and can take some time getting used to. Orthodontic wax can be used over any areas that seem to be rubbing against your cheeks or lips. You may also feel some muscle soreness in the jaw for the first couple of days and will probably want to eat softer foods while you adjust to your new biting position.

Appointments: The CBJ and the amount of forward positioning of the lower jaw is checked at regular visits; approximately every 12 weeks, at which time, adjustments will be made if necessary.

Diet: During treatment, sweet, sticky, and sugary foods should be avoided. These foods increase the chance of decay and can cause problems with your appliance, such as loosening of the CBJ.

Toothbrushing: You will need to look after your mouth very well whilst the appliance is in place. You can look after the CBJ by brushing at least twice a day for around 3 - 4 minutes. Using a small softheaded toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, brush around the appliance, making sure to clean the teeth, appliance, arms and screws. Brushing or rinsing after meals is also a great help to remove any food that may catch around the CBJ.

Problems: At the appointment where the CBJ is fitted we will show you how to check your appliance regularly so that you can minimise any problems. If the appliance does become loose, or if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the practice.

If your appliance breaks, there may be a lab fee of up to $350 to repair/replace it.

Promoting jaw growth requires persistence. If you persevere, you will see improvements in just a few months and be on your way to a beautiful new smile!

 What happens next?

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